The use of Social Infrastructure in Online Adult Education: Theory and Application
Paper Title:
The use of Social Infrastructure in Online Adult Education: Theory and Application
Susan E. Baer1 and George R. Larkin2, 1The University of Kansas, USA, 2Walden University, USA
Online learning serves not only as a cognitive process but is also situated within a social context. Social infrastructure is generally defined as the physical places and organizations that shape the way people interact, but social infrastructure may also be discussed more specifically in relation to education and technology. Bielaczyc defines social infrastructure as the social structures that support learning with a technology-based learning tool. The purpose of this paper is to describe Bielaczyc’s social infrastructure framework and to apply the framework to an adult English as a Second Language (ESL) program in Walton County, Florida that was forced to quickly implement online learning because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Social Infrastructure Framework, Online Adult Education, Zoom, COVID-19 Pandemic
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