Exploring the Potential use of Game Walkthrough in Education: Comparison of Various Forms of Serious Games
Paper Title:
Exploring the Potential use of Game Walkthrough in Education: Comparison of Various Forms of Serious Games
Xiaohan Feng1 and Makoto Murakami2, 1Toyo University, Japan, 2Toyo University, Japan
The advantages of using serious games for education have already been proven in many studies, especially narrative VR games, which allow players to remember more information. On the other hand, game walkthrough can compensate for the disadvantages of gaming, such as pervasiveness and convenience. This study investigates whether game walkthrough of serious games can have the same learning effect as serious games. Use game creation (samples) and questionnaires, this study will compare the information that viewers remember from game walkthrough and actual game play, analyze their strengths and weaknesses, and examine the impact of the VR format on the results. The results proved that while game walkthrough allows subjects to follow the experiences of actual game players with a certain degree of empathy, they have limitations when it comes to compare with actual gameplay, especially when it comes to topics that require subjects to think for themselves. Meanwhile game walkthrough of VR game is not a medium suitable for making the receiver memorize information. For prevalence and convenience, however, serious games walkthrough is a viable educational option outside the classroom.
Serious game, multimedia, educational game, virtual reality, narratology , Education Outside the Classroom(EOTC)
Volume URL: https://airccse.org/journal/ijite/vol11.html
Abstract URL: https://aircconline.com/abstract/ijite/v11n3/11322ijite03.html
Pdf URL: https://aircconline.com/ijite/V11N3/11322ijite03.pdf
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