Teaching Strategies based on Generational Teacher Cohorts
Paper Title:
Teaching Strategies based on Generational Teacher Cohorts
Jessica Ramirez, Ginia Montes de Oca and Carmen Caraballo, Dominican Institute for Educational Quality Evaluation and Research, IDEICE, Dominican Republic
In this study we investigate the teaching strategies used in secondary schools in the Dominican Republic and investigate the preferences each teacher generational cohort have in choosing a particular teaching strategy. We divided the data into 4 generations: baby boomers, generation x, millennials and iGeneration. We also present results based on gender, types of schools and location. Results shows that in the context of the Dominican Republic, there was not a significant difference among the generations. Baby boomers uses more teaching strategies that other generations, especially the traditional ones like questionnaires, debate, and so on.
Generational cohorts, Education, Teaching, Secondary school, Dominican Republic, & Learning
Volume URL: https://airccse.org/journal/ijite/vol11.html
Abstract URL: https://aircconline.com/abstract/ijite/v11n4/11422ijite01.html
Pdf URL: https://aircconline.com/ijite/V11N4/11422ijite01.pdf
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