The Effect of Emotional Awareness Exercises on Adaptiveness in Coping and Empathy with Pre-Service Teachers in Mixed Reality Simulations
Paper Title:
The Effect of Emotional Awareness Exercises on Adaptiveness in Coping and Empathy with Pre-Service Teachers in Mixed Reality Simulations
Ashley Brooksbank1, Jody S. Piro1, Carrie Straub2, and Erik Gundel1, 1Western Connecticut State University, United States, 2Mursion
The purpose of this mixed-methods convergent research study was to gain insight into the perceived importance of emotional awareness with two groups of pre-service teachers (PSTs) participating in a mixed reality simulator (MRS), as well as the impact of emotional awareness exercises in a MRS on adaptiveness in coping and empathy with the treatment group. Statistical significance was found on for the Affective Empathy QCAE subscale score for the treatment group. Three themes emerged from the qualitative data of survey responses: emotional awareness as it related to emotional state, emotional state and emotional awareness as it related to having an impact on performance, and emotional awareness as it related to the context of the simulator experience. Implications are provided for teacher educators using mixed reality simulations.
Mixed Reality Simulations, Emotional Awareness, Emotional Intelligence, Teacher Education
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