
Showing posts from March, 2018

Product Design & 3D Printing : Integrating New Technologies into The Curriculam - Case Study

Joseba K. Azcaray Fernández1 , Manuel Martínez Torán2 , Marcelo Leslabay Martínez3 , Chele Esteve Sendra4  1Department of Design and New Technologies, Txikitech, Bilbao, España  2Drawing Departament, FabLab Valencia, Universitat Politècnica de València, España  3Departament of Industrial Technologies, Universidad Deusto, Bilbao, España  4Drawing Departament, ETSID-UPV, Universitat Politècnica de València, España  ABSTRACT  The start of the 21st century takes us to the study of a new paradigm in knowledge, which has led different theorists to question and suggest a new education system. The rise of new information and communication technologies has not only evolved our lifestyles but also redesigned new methodologies for knowledge. Educational content is done for the curricular implementation in the subject of technology, and a scenario where students develop and experiment projects based on the regulated abilities by the Spanish education. A ...

An Interactive Online Training Course for SQL Beginners

Carlos R. Jaimez-González, Arturo Palma-Hernández  Departamento de Tecnologías de la Información Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Cuajimalpa, México  ABSTRACT  Information and Communication Technologies have been used to support education in several levels, due to the need of new ways to access learning resources. Some representative examples of these new learning resources are online training courses, which guide the learning process of students through a series of activities to be carried out by themselves. This paper presents an interactive online training course for learning SQL, which is a widely used language for relational database management. The online course allows students to learn SQL through explanations and interactive examples, which are executed by an interpreter, and the results of the executions are visualized directly on the same online course. All registered students have their own database created dynamically, which gives them free...